کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

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کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کاملکلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

لطفا صفحه را ببندید کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

لطفا صفحه را ببندید

کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

لطفا صفحه را ببندید

کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

لطفا صفحه را ببندید

کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

لطفا صفحه را ببندید

کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

لطفا صفحه را ببندید

کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

لطفا صفحه را ببندید

کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

کلیه مطالب این سایت فاقد اعتبار و از رده خارج است. تعطیل کامل

Purchase guide distance from tehran to armenia


2ـ14ـ2 کلم بروکلی.. 20

2ـ14ـ3 کلم و گواتر. 22

2ـ14ـ4 کلم و نیترات… 22

2ـ14ـ5 قارچ.. 22

2ـ14ـ6 پیازچه. 23

2ـ15 نگاهی بر پژوهش های صورت گرفته. 24

فصل سوم: مواد و روش ها 28

3-1 مواد شیمیایی.. 29

3-2 تجهیزات مورد استفاده 29

3-3 آماده سازی نمونه ها 29

3ـ4 روش اندازه گیری میزان نیترات، نیتریت و اسید آسکوربیک… 30

3-4ـ1 اندازه گیری میزان نیترات… 30

3ـ4ـ2 آماده سازیِ پودر مخلوط.. 30

3ـ4ـ3 تهیه ی محلول های استاندارد نیترات پتاسیم. 30

3ـ4ـ4 روش کار. 30

3ـ4ـ5 اندازه گیری میزان نیتریت… 31

3ـ4ـ6 آماده سازی پودر مخلوط.. 31

3ـ4ـ7 تهیه محلول های استاندارد نیتریت سدیم. 31

3ـ4ـ8 روش کار. 31

3ـ4ـ9 اندازه گیری اسیدآسکوربیک… 32

فصل چهارم: نتایج و بحث… 33

4-1 نیتریت… 34

4ـ1ـ1 میزان نیتریت… 34

4ـ1ـ2 تاثیر فرآیند پختن.. 37

4ـ1ـ3 تاثیر زمان به روی محتوای نیتریت… 38

4-2 نیترات… 39

4ـ2ـ1 میزان نیترات در سبزیجات مورد آزمایش… 39

4ـ2ـ2 تاثیر فرآیند پختن.. 43

4ـ2ـ3 تاثیر گذشت زمان بروی محتوای نیترات… 44

مقالات و پایان نامه ارشد

4ـ3 اسید آسکوربیک… 45

4ـ3ـ1 میزان اسید آسکوربیک… 45

4ـ3ـ2 تاثیر پختن بروی محتوای اسید آسکوربیک… 48

4ـ3ـ3 تاثیر زمان. 49

5ـ1 نتیجه گیری کلی.. 51

5ـ2 پیشنهادات… 52

منابع. 53

چکیده انگلیسی.. 61

فهرست تصاویر

شکل 2-1: شمای کلی چرخه نیتروژن در تولید نیترات و چگونگی تشکیل مت هموگلوبین در خون. 7

فهرست جداول

جدول 3-1- تجهیزات مورد استفاده 29

فهرست نمودار

نمودار 4-1 میانگین میزان نیتریت در سبزیجات مورد بررسی با توجه به نوع فرایند و زمان نگهداری 34

نمودار 4-2 نشان دهنده میزان نیتریت پیازچه خام وپخته در طول زمان نگهداری.. 35

نمودار 4-3 نشان دهنده میزان نیتریت کلم قرمز خام وپخته در طول زمان نگهداری.. 35

نمودار 4-4 نشان دهنده میزان نیتریت بروکلی خام وپخته در طول زمان نگهداری.. 36

نمودار 4-5 نشان دهنده میزان نیتریت کلم سفید خام وپخته در طول زمان نگهداری.. 36

نمودار 4-6 نشان دهنده میزان نیتریت قارچ خام وپخته در طول زمان نگهداری.. 37

نمودار 4- 7 میانگین میزان نیترات در سبزیجات مورد بررسی با توجه به نوع فرایند و زمان نگهداری 39

نمودار 4-8 نشان دهنده میزان نیترات پیازچه خام و پخته در طول مدت نگهداری.. 41

نمودار 4-9 نشان دهنده میزان نیترات کلم قرمز خام و پخته در طول زمان نگهداری.. 41

نمودار 4-10 نشان دهنده میزان نیترات بروکلی خام و پخته در طول مدت نگهداری.. 42

نمودار 4-11 نشان دهنده میزان نیترات کلم سفید خام و پخته در مدت نگهداری.. 42

نمودار 4-12 نشان دهنده میزان نیترات قارچ خام و پخته در طول زمان نگهداری.. 43

نمودار 4-13 میانگین میزان اسید آسکوربیک در سبزیجات مورد بررسی با توجه به نوع فرایند و زمان نگهداری 45

نمودار 4-14 نشان دهنده میزان اسید آسکوربیک کلم سفید خام و پخته در طول زمان نگهداری.. 46

نمودار 4-15 نشان دهنده میزان اسیدآسکوربیک پیازچه خام وپخته در طول زمان نگهداری.. 46

نمودار 4-16 نشان دهنده میزان اسید آسکوربیک کلم قرمز خام وپخته در طول مدت نگهداری.. 47

نمودار 4-17 نشان دهنده میزان اسید آسکوربیک قارچ خام وپخته در طول زمان نگهداری.. 47

موضوعات: بدون موضوع  لینک ثابت

فرم در حال بارگذاری ...

[سه شنبه 1399-10-16] [ 06:22:00 ب.ظ ]


1.1 Introduction


1.2 Background


1.3 Statement of the problem


1.4 Significance of the study


1.5 Objective of the study


1.6 Research questions and hypotheses


1.7 Limitations and delimitations of the study


1.8 Definitions of key terms


1.8.1 Emotion


1.8.2 Intelligence


1.8.3 Emotional Intelligence


1.8.4 Emotional quotient


1.8.5 Reading


1.8.6 Reading Comprehension

Chapter Two: Review of the Related Literature


2.1 Introduction


2.2 Emotional Intelligence


2.2.1 A Brief History of Emotional Intelligence


2.3 Models of Emotional Intelligence


2.3.1 Ability Model


2.3.2 Mixed Model


2.3. 3 Trait Model


2.4 Basic Criteria


2.5 Theoretical Considerations


2.5.1 Emotion


2.5.2 Intelligence


2.5.3 Definitions of the 5 main categories of EI and their 15 sub-categories based on Bar-on’s classification (1996

34 Intra-Personal

34 Self-regard

34 Emotional self awareness

35 Assertiveness

35 Independence

35 Self-actualization

35 Inter-Personal

35 Empathy

36 Social responsibility

36 Inter-Personal relationship

36 Stress-management

36 Stress Tolerance

36 Impulse control

36 Adaptability

36 Reality Testing

36 Flexibility

36 Problem solving

37 General mood

37 Optimism

37 Happiness


2.6 Assessment Tools of Emotional Intelligence


2.7 Reading comprehension


2.7.1 A Brief History of Reading Comprehension


2.8 Theories behind Reading Comprehension


2.8.1 Schema Theory


2.8.2 Mental Model Theory


2.8.3 Proposition Theory


2.9 Strategies of improving reading comprehension based on the mentioned theories


2.10 Purposes of Reading Comprehension Strategies


2.11 What is Comprehension?


2.12 Studies carried out on the relationship between emotional intelligence and reading comprehension

Chapter Three: Methodology


3.1 Introduction


3.2 Design


3.3 Participants


3.4 Instruments


3.4.1 Bar-on Emotional Quotient Inventory


3.4.2 Reading Comprehension Test


3.5 Data collection procedure


3.6 Data analysis

Chapter 4: Results and Discussion


4.1 Introduction


4.2 Descriptive Statistics


4.2.1 Descriptive statistics for the scores of emotional intelligence test


4.2.2 Descriptive statistics for the scores of reading comprehension test


4.3 Inferential Statistics


4.3.1 Is there any relationship between emotional intelligence and reading comprehension?


4.4 Discussion

Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusion, Implication & Suggestion


5.1 Introduction


5.2 Summary of the study


5.3 Conclusion


5.4 Pedagogical Implications


5.5 Suggestions for further research




Appendix I


Appendix II


Appendix III


Appendix IV


Abstract in Persian

Lists of Tables

Page Tables
55 Table 3.1. Reliability of the EI questionnaire
60 Table 4.1. Descriptive statistics for the scores of emotional intelligence test
60 Table 4.2. Descriptive statistics for the scores of reading comprehension test
61 Table 4.3. correlation between EI and reading comprehension (RC) tests in general
62 Tables 4.4. The correlation between all the questions of EI, one by one, with the total scores of RC
62 Table 4.5. Correlation between 1st main category of EI and its sub categories and reading comprehension
62 Table 4.6. Correlation between 2nd main category of EI and its sub categories and reading comprehension
63 Table 4.7. Correlation between 3rdmain category of EI and its sub categories and reading comprehension
63 Table 4.8. Correlation between 4th main category of EI and its sub categories and reading comprehension
63 Table 4.9. Correlation between 5thmain category of EI and its sub categories and reading comprehension


Lists of Graphs

Page Graphs
65 Graph 4.1. It shows the weak relationship between emotional intelligence and reading comprehension
66 Graph (4.2 &3). They show a big difference between the EI and RC `s mean scores
68 Graphs 4.4. The frequency graphs of the participants` answers to the 90 items of EI test


List of Abbreviations


مقالات و پایان نامه ارشد

EI Emotional intelligence

EQ Emotional Quotient

EQ-I Bar-On Emotional Intelligence Quotient Inventory

IQ Intelligence Quotient

RC Reading Comprehension


The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Reading Comprehension: A Case Study of Junior Students of Bandar Abbas Islamic Azad University


The aim of the present research was to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and reading comprehension of junior students of Bandar Abbas Islamic Azad University majoring in English. 60 students took part in this research and it is worth mentioning that gender had no role in this study. The participants were asked to answer two different tests: first, a short form of Bar-on`s emotional intelligence test consists of 90 questions and second, a TOEFL reading comprehension test including 4 passages and 30 questions. Comparing the mean scores of the two tests indicated a weak relationship between these two variables. As the obtained results depicted emotional intelligence had significant correlation with the participants’ reading comprehension abilities (r=0.29) but, this relation was not to the extent that is expected to be.

Key terms:emotion, intelligence, emotional intelligence, emotional quotient, reading, and reading comprehension.




Chapter one





1.1 Introduction

This chapter presents a brief background to the study ofEmotional IntelligenceandReading Comprehension. Then it will be followed by the significance and objective of the study, research question and hypothesis, limitations and delimitations of the study and finally, the definitions of key terms.

1.2 Background

A comprehensive initial theory of emotional intelligence (EI) that could be measured appeared 20 years ago in the scientific literature (Mayer, Salovey, & DiPaolo, 1990; Salovey & Mayer, 1990). Thus, the term emotional intelligence was first introduced by Salovey and Mayer (1990) in the early 1990s and was made popular by Daniel Goleman with the 1995 publication of his book,Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. But, the earliest roots of emotional intelligence can be found in Charles Darwin’s work on the importance of emotional expression for survival and, second, adaptation (Bar-On, R., 2006). In 1872, Charles Darwin published the first known work on the importance of emotional expression for survival and adaptation, a component of emotional-social intelligence (Bar-On, 2005). Then, educators and policy makers have become increasingly aware of the significance of providing students with educational opportunities that enhance their emotional development (Graczyk, Weissberg, & Payton, 2000). In the field of psychology the roots of emotional intelligence can be traced back to the beginnings of the intelligence testing movement when, in 1920, E. L. Thorndike was the first to identify the aspect of emotional intelligence as social intelligence (Goleman, 2001, p. 16). According to Thorndike (1920), the concept of social intelligence refers to the “ability to understand and manage men, women, boys, and girls and to act wisely in human relations” (p. 228). E.L. Thorndike used the term to describe the skill of understanding and managing other people. Goleman (2001) says that Howard Gardner revitalized the concept of emotional intelligence with his model of multiple intelligences. In 1983, Howard Gardner’sFrames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligencesintroduced the idea of multiple intelligences which included bothinterpersonal intelligence(the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people) andintrapersonal intelligence(the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one’s feelings, fears and motivations). In Gardner’s point of view, traditional types of intelligence, such as IQ, fail to fully explain cognitive ability (Smith, M.K., 2002). Similarly, in 1940 David Wechsler described the influence of non-intellective factors on intelligent behavior, and further argued that his models of intelligence would not be completed until he could adequately describe these factors (Bar-On, R., 2006). However, in 1988, Reuven Bar-On is reported as the first to assess emotional intelligence, it is reported that Bar-On used the term emotional intelligence (EQ) in his doctoral dissertation long before it gained popularity as a name for emotional intelligence and long before Salovey and Mayer published their first model of intelligence (Goleman, 2001). Salovey and Mayer (1990) describe emotional intelligence as “the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions” (p. 189). As they describe emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotion, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought; to understand emotions and emotional knowledge; to reflectively regulate emotions so as to promote emotional and intellectual growth. They also believe that there are four parts to emotional intelligence, which include (a) perceiving emotions, (b) using emotions to assist thought, © understanding emotions, and (d) managing emotions. In order for a person to be emotionally intelligent, they should be skilled in all four of these areas (Salovey & Mayer, 1990). However, in comparison, Goleman (1995) posits that emotional intelligence consists of five components: (a) knowing our emotions (self-awareness), (b) managing them, © motivating ourselves, (d) recognizing emotion in others (empathy), and (e) handling relationships.

Here, is a brief history ofEmotional Intelligenceby Kendra Cherry as cited in (psychology.about.com):

    • 1930s – Edward Thorndike describes the concept of “social intelligence” as the ability to get along with other people.
    • 1940s – David Wechsler suggests that affective components of intelligence may be essential to success in life.
    • 1950s – Humanistic psychologists such as Abraham Maslow describe how people can build emotional strength.
  • 1975 – Howard Gardner publishesThe Shattered Mind, which introduces the concept of multiple intelligences.
موضوعات: بدون موضوع  لینک ثابت

فرم در حال بارگذاری ...

 [ 06:22:00 ب.ظ ]

2-3-1- پرتقال (Citrus sinensis) 20

2-3-2- نارنگی ها (C. reticulate) 21

2-3-3-گریپ فروت (C. paradise) 21

2-3-4-لیمو ترش(C. limon) 21

2-3-5- نارنج (C. aurantium) 22

2-4-………………………………………………………………………………………… ارزش غذایی و ترکیبات میوه. 24

2-5-…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ازدیاد مرکبات.. 25

2-6-…………………………………………………………………………………………………. شرایط اقلیمی مركبات.. 26

2-7-…………………………………………………………………………………………………. تغذیه درختان مركبات.. 28

2-7-1- عناصر پرمصرف.. 29

2-7-1-1- ازت (نیتروژن) 29

2-7-1-2- فسفر. 30

2-7-1-3- پتاس… 31

2-7-1-4- کلسیم.. 31

2-7-1-5- منیزیم.. 32

2-7-2-عناصر كم مصرف.. 32

2-7-2-1- آهن.. 32

2-7-2-2- روی.. 33

2-7-2-3- منگنز. 34

2-7-2-4- مس…. 34

2-7-2-5- بر. 34

2-7-2-6- مولیبدن.. 35

2-7-3- تاثیر عناصر مختلف بر مرکبات و علایم کمبود آنها 36

2-7-4- میزان کود. 37

2-7-5- زمان و نحوه مصرف کودها 37

2-7-6-……………… کود حیوانی.. 38

2-7-7-…………….. کودهای زیستی.. 39

2-7-7-1-نیتروکسین( ازتوباکتر – آزوسپیریلیوم) 42

2-7-7-2- کود فسفاته بارور-2. 45

2-7-7-3- هیومیک اسید. 48

فصل سوم: مواد و روش ها 53

3-1- شرایط انجام پژوهش…. 54

3-2- مواد گیاهی.. 54

3-3- تیمارهای آزمایشی.. 55

3-4- صفات مورد اندازه گیری.. 55

3-5- طرح آزمایشی و آنالیز آماری.. 58

فصل چهارم: نتـــایج.. 60

4-1- ویژگی های کمی عملکرد. 61

4-1-1- تعداد میوه. 62

4-1-2- عملکرد میوه. 63

مقالات و پایان نامه ارشد

4-1-3- اندازه میوه. 64

4-2- ویژگی های کیفی میوه…………….. 65

4-2-1- حجم آب میوه. 67

4-2-2- مواد جامد محلول میوه (TSS) 67

4-2-3- اسید میوه. 68

4-2-4- نسبت بریکس به اسید قابل تیتر. 69

4-2-5- رنگ میوه. 70

فصل پنجم: بحث و نتیجه گیری.. 75

5-1- ویژگی های کمی میوه. 76

تعداد میوه در درخت… 76

عملکرد درختان پرتقال.. 78

متوسط وزن و قطر میوه. 79

3-6- ویژگی های کیفی میوه. 80

جمع بندی.. 83

پیشنهادات.. 85

منابع.. 86

فهرست جدول ها

جدول 1-1- میزان تولید مركبات در كشورهای عمده جهان.. 6

جدول شماره 1-2. پراکندگی انواع مرکبات در استانهای کشور. 22

جدول شماره 2-2. مقدار مواد معدنی موجود در یک تن میوه پرتقال. 24

جدول 3-2. حداقل درجه حرارت قابل تحمل گونه های مختلف مركبات (برحسب سانتی گراد) 27

جدول 4-2- حد بهینه عناصر غذایی كم مصرف و پرمصرف در پرتقال. 38

جدول 1-3. ویژگی های فیزیکوشیمیایی خاک مورد استفاده. 54

جدول 1-4. نتایج تجزیه واریانس صفات کمی میوه درختان پرتقال والنسیا در پاسخ به کاربرد کودهای زیستی. 61

جدول 4-2- نتایج تجزیه واریانس صفات کیفی میوه درختان پرتقال والنسیا در پاسخ به کاربرد کودهای زیستی. 66

جدول 4-3- نتایج تجزیه واریانس شاخص های رنگ میوه درختان پرتقال والنسیا در پاسخ به کاربرد کودهای زیستی. 71

فهرست شکل ها

شکل 1-1- نواحی عمده کشت و کار مرکبات در ایران.. 7

شکل 1-2. نمایی از کود نیتروکسین مورد استفاده در این پژوهش، حاوی (ازتوباکتر و آزوسپیریلیوم) 45

شکل 2-2. نمایی از کود فسفاته بارور مورد استفاده در این پژوهش…. 48

شکل 3-2. نمایی از کود هیومیک اسید مورد استفاده در این پژوهش. 52

شکل 1-3. دستگاه رفرکتومتر مورد استفاده در تعیین مقدار TSS در آب میوه پرتقال. 56

شکل 2-3. تشکیل رنگ صورتی به عنوان نقطه پایان تیتراسیون اسید های آلی میوه. 57

شکل 3-3. دستگاه کرومامتر Minolta CR400 مورد استفاده در اندازه گیری رنگ میوه. 58

شکل 4-3. نقشه طرح آزمایشی در محل انجام پژوهش. 59

اسید هیونیک=AH، نیتروکسین=N و بارور2=B2. 59

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List of Tables


List of Figures


CHAPTER I Background and Purpose





Statement of the Problem………………………



Statement of the Research Question………………



Statement of the Research Hypotheses………………



Definition of Key Terms…………………



Teacher’s Self-Efficacy………………………….



Personality Types………………………






Significance of the Study……………………



Limitations and Delimitations of the Study……………








CHAPTER II Review of the Related Literature





Personality Types……………………………………



Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)…………………..



Related Researches on Teachers’ Personality…………



Conceptual Framework…………….






CHA II Methodology












Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)……………………



Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale………………………






Research Design…………………………..



Statistical Analysis…………………


CHAPTER IV Data Analysis and Discussion





Restatement of the Hypotheses………………



Data Analyses……………………………………………



Descriptive Statistics……………………………………


Descriptive Statistics of the MBTI Questionnaire………


Descriptive Statistics of the Self-Efficacy Questionnaire……



Inferential Statistics…………………………





CHAPTER V Conclusions and Pedagogical Implications





Restatement of the Hypotheses……………………..



Summary of the Research Findings…………






Pedagogical Implications………



Suggestion for Further Research…



Concluding Remarks……








Appendix A…………………


Appendix B……………………………………………















Table 2.1 Jungian Personality Factors Measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator…26

Table 2.2 Teacher Type Descriptions (Adapted from Myers et al., 1998)…………… 27

Table 4.1 The Number of Teachers in Each Personality Type…………55

Table 4.2 The Number of Teachers in Each Binary Personality Type………56

Table 4.3 Reliability of the MBTI Questionnaire………………………56

Table 4.4 Reliability Estimate of the Self-Efficacy Questionnaire………………56

Table 4.5 Descriptive Statistics for Extrovert and Introvert Teachers……………57

Table 4.6 Descriptive Statistics for iNtuitive and Sensing Teachers……………57

Table 4.7 Descriptive Statistics for Feeling and Thinking Teachers……………58

Table 4.8 Descriptive Statistics for Perceiving and Judging Teachers………………58

Table 4.9 Independent Samples t-test for Extrovert and Introvert EFL Teachers’ Self- Efficacy………………………………………………………………60

Table 4.10 Independent Samples t-test for Sensing and iNtuitive EFL Teachers’ Self-Efficacy ………………………………………………………………………61

Table 4.11 Independent Samples t-test for Thinking and Feeling EFL Teachers’ Self-Efficacy ……………………………………………………………………62

Table 4.12 Independent Samples t-test for Judging and Perceiving EFL Teachers’ Self- Efficacy………………………………………………………………………………64

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Figure 2.1 Jung’s classification of psychological types (adopted from Jung, 1971)……………….22

Figure 2.2 Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………………………………34

Figure 2.3Bandura’s Theory of Self-Efficacy………………………………………………………..44



Background and Purpose


There is a general concern about the quality of education all over the world and all the countries are looking for qualified educators and effective teachers. Undoubtedly, the impact of education is derived primarily from the quality it owns. Many indicators, namely the quality of the materials, students’ and teachers’ motivation , the educational environment, students’ aptitudes, teaching methods and teachers’ personality types among many other determinants pave the way to better education (Henson & Chambers, 2003 ; Kalayci, 2009; Sadker & Sadker, 2000). This concern is perhaps more central for teachers; “Most teachers do not want to be just good teachers, they want to be great teachers” (Nwrel, 2001; as cited in Strong, 2007, p. 1).

In essence, effective teachers have a constant impact on students’ lives. Teacher effectiveness is a concept which has been defined in terms of high performance based on elements rating from supervisors, comments from students or administrators, students’ achievements, and teachers’ image of themselves. Moreover, teachers are the representative of their subject matters, schools and more importantly the way they view themselves. The way they teach and present themselves make an impression on administrators, parents, and students as well (Strong. 2007). Effective teaching is best accompanied when effective learning occurs (Muijs & Reynolds, 2005).

As Adkins (2006) quotes himself effective teaching has a crucial role in academic achievement. It is difficult to specify exactly what outcomes indicate teacher effectiveness; hence, there are varieties of variables that teachers cannot control (Strong, 2007). Nunn and Jants (2009) noted that successful teachers are those who are proficient and are able to deal with educational and behavioral problems that occur in their classrooms. Moreover, it is the teachers’ job to manage and run the learning environment presented in schools. In fact, a teacher should be knowledgeable, skillful, and competent enough to be able to teach effectively, and at the same time believe in his/her abilities (Fox, 2005).

The most effective teachers, on the other hand, are defined as those who engage students academically while connecting with them emotionally in ways that create remarkable differences in both experience and results for their students (Waddell, 2009). Sadker and Sadker (2000) believe that there is little evidence regarding specific skills that result in good teaching. Hence, there have been some insights into it. They categorize those factors as allocated time on academic content, good classroom management and planning, and the pedagogical cycle that describes the interaction between the teacher and students’ cooperative learning.

Teachers’ achievements, success, and satisfaction in their teaching experiences can result from a variety of factors. Brown (2007) believes that personality factors such as affective indicators (self-esteem, self-efficacy, inhibition, anxiety, empathy, and extroversion), motivation, and personality types play key roles in the process of language learning and teaching.

Teachers, on the whole, attempt to understand and apply a wide range of techniques when teaching their students. Their preferred teaching styles and personality types may influence the techniques they make use of. When teachers challenge to examine and interpret their teaching styles and the dynamism behind it, they explore their inner selves. Their preferences for a given “function” are their characteristics, and so they might be “typed” by these preferences (Jung, 1971, p. 23).

Some scholars such as Cooper (2001), Tschannen-Moran (1998), Zhang (2007), Yilmaz and Çavaş (2008), Rahimi and Nabilou (2010), Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk Hoy (2001), and Kennedy (1991) are in the belief that Teachers’ teaching styles are respectively associated with teachers’ personality, their content knowledge, their behavior in the class, how they manage their classes, the context of teaching, self-efficacy and locus of control. Teachers’ confidence in their ability to perform the actions that lead to student learning (i.e., teachers’ self-efficacy) is one of the few individual characteristics that reliably predicts teacher practice and student outcomes (Ross, 1994; Woolfolk & Hoy, 1990).

To assess the personality types, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is known to be amongst the most popular measures. It is the most widely used personality type assessment in organizations (Myers, McCaulley, Quenk, & Hammer, 1998). The aforesaid indicator is utilized to analyze and interpret a wide range of activities incorporating career, counseling, communication and situation in which cooperation and teamwork are taken into consideration. It is to note that the indicator is used in education as well, so as to analyze and compare the education system, teachers, and students.

MBTI was inspired by and devised based on Jung’s theory of personality type, which, in actual fact, introduced four basic psychic functions. The mentioned functions are capable of becoming conscious: Intuition, Sensation, Feeling and Thinking. He maintained that differences found in behaviors were because of inborn tendencies to make use of minds in diverse ways, leading to patterns of behavior (Myers, 1998). The indicator was developed over a 20-year period of research by Isabel Myers and her mother, Katherine Briggs. It is a self-report, paper and pencil assessment of style preferences. It does not measure personality characteristics or pathology, but rather characterizes people by their natural preferences (Myers, McCaulley, Quenk, & Hammer, 1998).

Wheeler (2001) is in the belief that: “MBTI classifies each person into one of the 16 personality types by first identifying each individuals four preferences; i.e., whether the person prefers E or I, S or N, T or F, and J or P”. He then continues: “the four preferences are then combined into the personality type via a four-way interaction. Thus, the test is primarily a sorting indicator that categorizes each participant into a personality type based on the results obtained from four bipolar scales” (p. 7).

Another subject of concern is what Jung (1971) raised as individuation. In actual fact it is the process which differentiates individuals from the general, collective society or group. Accordingly, people come to see their similarities and differences.

Meier (1986) states that, “Jung’s most important contribution to psychology was the discovery and practice of the process of individuation”. He then continues “individuation begins and ends with typology” (p. 242). Jung (1971) held that “It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic process that can be shown to be typical” (p. 15). In fact, he aimed at describing individual types of the personality, explaining individual differences of cognition and different ways to express personality through utilization of the psychic functions of intuition, sensation, and thinking, along with the attitudinal types of introversion and extraversion. As Jung (1971) quoted himself, “since every man, as a relatively stable being possesses all the basic psychological functions, it could be a psychological necessity with a view to perfect adaption that he should also employ them in equal measure” (p. 19).

Apparently, through individuation he made an endeavor to differentiate and explain the four functions and the attitudinal types of introversion and extraversion. However, he did not attempt to present a model of how the mentioned functions would appear in the beginning psyche of an individual. Accordingly, such a model would contribute to psychology’s understanding of the individuation process, particularly the beginning of human life.

It has always been of great interest to focus on the ways people behave or think. These items have had direct consequences on those people around them. As a result, there is a general social interest to understand different behaviors, beliefs, and personality types, and to predict them accordingly.

According to Myers (1993), people are born with tendencies that make their behaviors different from one another; subsequently, they use their minds in different ways. At the same time as people act on these tendencies to use their minds, they develop patterns of behavior called personality types. The issue of personality assessment has a long history in different fields.

Thornton, Peltier and Hill (2005) maintain that in case there is an appropriate selection procedure for pre-service teachers, the quality of new teachers could be improved. Bearing personality in mind, more restrictive requirements could be set in the decision made. However, it is difficult to define personality itself. As Allport (as cited in Lanyan & Goodstein, 1999) puts in, “personality is an abstraction for those enduring characteristics of the person that are significant for his or her interpersonal behavior” (p. 45).

According to Thornton, Peltier, and Hill (2005), those people who have a certain personality type seem to have common characteristics similar to the members of their own type and group than another group. People in one group think and act in a similar way while their behavior and way of thinking is different from those in other groups.

What is more, as individuals grow and develop, they also improve certain patterns of behavior and attitudes that indicate their personality type. As noted by Akbari, “while all educators have become conscious of the role personality and affect play in students’ learning outcomes and performance, teachers’ personality is a missing variable in most of the discussions on professional development” (2007, p. 201). He further maintains that, “Like students, teachers can be slaves to their personalities, responding in emotional terms to events that might appear of a cognitive nature” (p.201).

Another subject of great concern, which has always been of obvious interest to researchers, is self-efficacy, specifically teachers’ self-efficacy. It is, in essence, a criterion through which a teacher can measure his or her ability to provide the students with learning (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, 2001). Bandura (1997) is in the belief that self-efficacy is a set of beliefs about one`s ability to “organize and execute the courses of action required to produce given attainment” (p.3). Tschannen- Moran and Woolfolk (2001) asserted that teaching efficacy was a broad spectrum, which could be divided into efficacy in classroom management, student engagement, and instructional strategies. The aforementioned theory of perceived self-efficacy is grounded in one’s belief of his/her capabilities. That is to mention that it can affect every aspect of one’s life.

As Bandura (1977) quoted himself, “We find that people’s beliefs about their efficacy affect the sorts of choices they make in very significant ways. In particular, it affects their levels of motivation and perseverance in the face of obstacles”. He then continued “Most success requires persistent effort, so low self-efficacy becomes a self-limiting process. In order to succeed, people need a sense of self-efficacy, strung together with resilience to meet the inevitable obstacles and inequities of life” (pp. 191-215).

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1.2.3 Feature of the region after U.S. attack of Iraq 10

1.3 Problem statement 12

1.4 Research aims and Objectives 13

1.5 Research questions 14

1.6 Significance of the study 14

1.7 Scope and limitation of the study 18

1.8 Theoretical Framework 19

1.9 Definition of Terms 24

1.9.1 Regional security 24

1.9.2 Regional Security Complex (RSC) 25

1.9.3 Balance of Power 26

1.9.4 Persian Gulf 27

1.9.5 Arab Gulf 27

1.9.6 Unofficial policy 28

1.9.7 Regime 29

1.10 Methodology 29

1.10.1 Research data collection methods 30

1.10.2 Research Designs and Methods 31

1.10.3 Sources of available Data 31

1.10.4 Techniques for collecting and analyzing data 32


2.1 Introduction 34

2.2 Regional security 36

2.3 Evolving of the Persian Gulf Security Regimes 47

2.4 Alternative Security Frameworks for the Persian Gulf 56

2.5 Iran’s Persian Gulf policy 64

2.6 Conclusion 67


3.1 Introduction 69

3.2 Background 70

3.3 The Geography and Geopolitics of the Persian Gulf 71

3.3.1 The Persian Gulf Geographic Confines 73

3.3.2 Geopolitics of the Persian Gulf 75

3.3.3 Local Geography 76

3.3.4 Classification of the Persian Gulf states 79

3.4 Great Britain’s presence in the Persian Gulf 80

3.5 British withdrawal from Persian Gulf 81

3.5.1 The American reactions to British withdrawal 83

3.5.2 Regional states reactions regarding British withdrawal 84

3.6 American arrival in the Persian Gulf 85

3.6.1 American policy objectives in Iran 86

3.6.2 The U.S. interests in the Persian Gulf 88

3.6.3 Reasons of American indirect presence after Britain withdrawal 90

3.7 The policy of Twin pillar by Nixon administration 92

3.7.1 Areas of cooperation between Iran and US 99

3.7.2 US military assistance to Iran 101

3.8 Carter Doctrine 104

3.8.1 USCENTCOM in the Persian Gulf region 109

3.9 The policy of Dual containment (the policy of Clinton’s administration – Clinton’s Doctrine) 111

3.9.1 Basic codes of the dual containment policy 114

3.9.2 Factors of supporting Dual Containment Policy 115

3.9.3 Implementation of the Dual containment policy toward Iran 117

3.9.4 Implementation of the Dual containment policy toward Iraq 119

3.10 Establishment of the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) 121

3.10.1 Introduction 121

3.10.2 Previous Efforts for cooperation and alliance 121

3.10.3 Declared and undeclared objectives of the GCC 123

3.10.4 The main concerns of GCC states regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran 125

3.10.5 Interaction between the GCC states and the U.S. 127

3.10.7 Military abilities of the GCC state 130

3.10.8 A turning point at Doha summit 133

3.11 Conclusion 135


4.1 Introduction 136

4.2 Evaluation of the “Twin Pillars Policy” 137

4.3 Evaluation of the “Carter Doctrine” 139

4.4 Evaluation of the Regan Doctrine 143

4.5 Evaluation of the “George Herbert Walker Bush” Policy 146

4.6 Evaluation of the “Dual Containment Policy” 149

4.6.1Evaluating the methods of containment 158

4.7 Evaluation of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) policy 159

4.8 evaluation of George W. Bush Policy 165

4.9 Islamic Republic of Iran’s Policies towards the United States 174

4.9.1 The Khatami phenomenon and Iran’s foreign policy 177

4.10 Conclusion 180


5.1 Introduction 182

5.2 Securing the Persian Gulf as a neo-conservative thought 183

5.3 Schools of Thought about Iran 184

5.4 The Persian Gulf Remains as the World’s Energy Supply 185

5.5 Dilemmas in U.S. Persian Gulf Policies 187

5.6 Regional Security Structures as Possible Options 192

5.6.1 Potential Models (samples) for the Persian Gulf 195

5.6.2 Parameters of Formulating a New Security Structure for the Region 197

5.6.3 Essential pre-structure for Security building in the Persian Gulf region 198

5.7 Interaction of the GCC Regarding Iran 199

5.7.1 GCC and the Iran-Iraq War 203

5.7.2 The difficulties facing GCC states 204

5.7.3 The American Congress and weapons sales to the GCC 205

5.8 Sources of Conflict in the Persian Gulf Region: Penetration and Resistance 207

5.9 Oil is the main interest but not the unique interest 208

5.10 Major Problem Regarding the U.S. in the Persian Gulf 209

5.11 Conclusion 214


6.1 Introduction 215

6.2 Summary 215

6.3 Conclusion 219

6.3.1 GCC needs a new security arrangement 220

6.3.2 Mutual understanding of the U.S. and Iran 223

6.3.3 Disengaging from the region 225

6.3.4 The New Regional Security Arrangement 227

6.4 Implications (theory and practice) 232

6.5 Recommendation for future research 234










Table Page

1: World Conventional Oil Production 6

2: the United States oil imports 76

3: Past Challenges to U.S. Interests in the Gulf 89

4:U.S. MilitaryAssistance to Iran, 1965-1973 101

5: GNP & military expenditures of Iran (1968-1980) 102

6: NATO Contribution of Air forces in Desert Storm 213


Figure Page

1: The Middle East & Persian Gulf region 2


3: Regional Security Complex Theory 23

4: Allied Participation in Coalition Operations 213

5: Sorties Flown in Operation Allied Force and Operation Deliberate Force 214



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ASEAN: the Association of Southeast Asian Nation

ARF: ASEAN Regional Forum

BMDS: Ballistic Missile Defense System

CENTO: Central Treaty Organization

DOD: Department of Defense (America)

EIA: Energy Information Administration

G6:Group six including five permanent members of the United Nation’s Security Council (America, Russia China, Britain, France) plus Germany

GCC:Gulf Cooperation Council

GOIC: Gulf Organization for Industrial Consultancy

GRSF: [Persian] Gulf Regional Security Forum

I.R.IRAN: the Islamic Republic of Iran

IAEA: the International Atomic Energy Agency

ILSA: the Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996

INP:Iran’s Nuclear Program

ICO: Islamic Conference Organization

ISA: Iran Sanctions Act

NAM: Non Aligned Movement

NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NPT: treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

NW: Nuclear Weapon

OPEC: the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

OSCE: the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

PA: Palestinian Authority

PLO: Palestinian Liberation Organization

RDJTF: Rapid Deployment Joint Task Forces.

RSCT:Regional Security Complex Theory

UAE: United Arab Emirates

UN: the United Nations

UNSC: the United Nations Security Council

UK: United Kingdom

USA: the United States of America

USCENTCOM: the U.S. Central Command

USSR: the Union of Soviet SocialistRepublics

WMD:Weapons of Mass Destruction

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